C2D3 ECR and student conference 2024

23 September 2024 - 23 September 2024

09:00 - 14:00

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Organiser: Cambridge Centre for Data-Driven Discovery

Location: Maxwell Centre, JJ Thompson Road, West Cambridge Site

C2D3 seeks to create an interdisciplinary data science and AI community for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) and students, as a place for supporting researchers and their ideas, sharing solutions and networking. 

This half-day conference will provide a forum to exchange ideas, discuss research problems and solutions, and make new connections. During the conference we will hear presentations from the C2D3 ECR Seed Fund Awardees (2023 and 2024) and lightning talks from the ECR and student community. 

Provsional Programme 

09.00-09.20 Registration and coffee

09.20 -09.30 Opening with Matt Castle (Cambridge Centre for Data-Driven Discovery / Genetics) 

   Showcase ECR Seed Fund 2023 and 2024 Awardee talks      

   Katie Light/ Ryan Daniels Machine Learning Clinics and support  (Accelerate Programme for Scientific Discovery) 

11.10-11.40 Tea/Coffee Break 

    Lightning Talks  “I have a solution to share” and “I have a problem to solve”

Q&A: Problem solving discussions

13.00-14.00 Light lunch & networking   

Lightning Talk Abstracts

We invite ECRs and Students to submit expressions of interest to present a lightning presentation.

With a focus on interdisciplinary data science or AI research, there will be two themed lightning talk sessions. We invite you to submit an expression of interest to one of the themes and the Organising Committee will award the speaking slots. Each talk should be no more than 5 minutes long. We encourage the use of plenty of visual graphics, to help the audience digest your presentation and remember it for the networking session. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the conference, all talks should not go into too much technical detail. 

Lightning talk themes

  • I have a solution to share  
  • I have a problem to solve 

The Organising Committee will review the expressions of interest with the following criteria: 

  • Easily understandable abstract, not too technical 
  • Importance, novelty and impact in the field 
  • The research is interdisciplinary

To apply to present a lightning talk please register your attendance on the link below, complete the attached “C2D3 Lightening talk expression of interest” template and return to Angela Godoy coordinator@c2d3.cam.ac.uk by Weds 31st July 2024.

Organising Committee

We are seeking expressions of interest to join the Organising Committee for this event. We are looking for enthusiastic individuals, from different departments and with a range of different skills. As a member of the organising committee, we would require you to screen the lightning talk submissions (a scoring template will be provided) and to be available on the day to fulfil the various roles; you can choose to chair a session, field questions, run the slido or provide IT technical support.

Those chosen to join the Organising Committee can add this to their CV!  It is also a great opportunity to help decide the content of the day.

Please email Angela Godoy at coordinator@c2d3.cam.ac.uk before Weds 31st July 24 if you’d like to join us!


Please register here (registration closes midday Fri 13th Sept)