Alexei Lapkin
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Alexei Lapkin is a Professor of Sustainable Reaction Engineering at University of Cambridge. He is also a PI on several projects within Cambridge CARES in Singapore.
He obtained his PhD in chemical engineering at University of Bath (UK) and then was appointed as a Lecturer in Chemical Engineering at University of Bath in 2000. In 2009 he was appointed as Professor of Engineering at University of Warwick and since 2013 he has been in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology at Cambridge.
His work is mainly on sustainability aspects of manufacture of molecules and materials. This includes work on chemical data (chemoinformatics, data cleaning, data augmentation), digital twins in chemical manufacturing, machine learning and AI methods in chemical synthesis and process development, and methods of environmental assessment of new chemical processes.
His group has spun out two companies: Accelerated Materials Ltd, which is adopting ML-assisted materials development strategies, and Chemical Data Intelligence (CDI) Pte Ltd, which is exploiting complex networks and ML methods for developing new chemical entities and synthesis planning. Links:;

Department: Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Job Title: Professor of Sustainable Reaction Engineering
CRSID: aal35