
Research from the University of Cambridge is accelerating progress in AI’s core technical capabilities, enabling the application of AI technologies across sectors and disciplines, and building understandings of their impact and the levers to promote their ethical development.

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£10 million programme to use AI and state-of-the-art analytics to fight cancer

Cambridge researchers are to lead a £10million project that could result in doctors being able to predict your individual chances of getting cancer and offer personalised detection and prevention.

Cambridge leads governmental project to understand impact of smartphones and social media on young people

Cambridge researchers are leading the first phase of a new research project that will lay the groundwork for future studies into the impact on children of smartphone and social media use.

New datasets will train AI models to think like scientists

A collaboration of researchers, including from the University of Cambridge, has reached a milestone toward training artificial intelligence models to find and use transferable knowledge between fields to drive scientific discovery.

‘Smart choker’ uses AI to help people with speech impairment to communicate

Researchers have developed a wearable ‘smart choker’ that uses a combination of flexible electronics and artificial intelligence techniques to allow people with speech impairments to communicate by detecting tiny movements in the throat.

AI able to identify drug-resistant typhoid-like infection from microscopy images in matter of hours

Artificial intelligence (AI) could be used to identify drug resistant infections, significantly reducing the time taken for a correct diagnosis, Cambridge researchers have shown. The team showed that an algorithm could be trained to identify drug-resistant bacteria correctly from microscopy images alone.

Training AI models to answer ‘what if?’ questions could improve medical treatments

Machines can learn not only to make predictions, but to handle causal relationships. An international research team shows how this could make medical treatments safer, more efficient, and more personalised.

Artificial intelligence beats doctors in accurately assessing eye problems

A study has found that the AI model GPT-4 significantly exceeds the ability of non-specialist doctors to assess eye problems and provide advice.

AI trained to identify least green homes by Cambridge researchers

First of its kind AI-model can help policymakers efficiently identify and prioritize houses for retrofitting and other decarbonizing measures.

Cambridge and Google partner to facilitate AI research

The University of Cambridge and Google are building on their long-standing partnership with a multi-year research collaboration agreement and a Google grant for the University’s new Centre for Human-Inspired AI to support progress in responsible AI that is inspired by and benefits people.

UK needs AI legislation to create trust so companies can ‘plug AI into British economy’

Legislating for AI safety and transparency will allow British industry and education to put resources into AI development with confidence, argue researchers.

Scientists begin building AI for scientific discovery using tech behind ChatGPT

An international team of scientists, including from the University of Cambridge, have launched a new research collaboration that will leverage the same technology behind ChatGPT to build an AI-powered tool for scientific discovery.

AI-driven techniques reveal new targets for drug discovery

Researchers have developed a method to identify new targets for human disease, including neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Machine learning models can produce reliable results even with limited training data

Researchers have determined how to build reliable machine learning models that can understand complex equations in real-world situations while using far less training data than is normally expected.

Is Data Justice key to Climate Justice?

Biased artificial intelligence needs human help to avoid harmful climate action, Cambridge researchers say.

How sure is sure? Incorporating human error into machine learning

Researchers are developing a way to incorporate one of the most human of characteristics – uncertainty – into machine learning systems.

Our People

ai@cam brings together researchers from departments across the University.

Select department to filter by:

Demetrius A. Floudas

Luke Abraham

Director of Research

Elizabeth Allen

Alex Almeida

Principal Investigator, MRC Career Development Fellow

Alex Archibald


John Aston

Harding Professor of Statistics in Public Life

Shahar Avin

Senior Research Associate

Julius Christopher Baeck

PhD student

Stephen Baker

Somenath Bakshi

Associate Professor

Soumya Banerjee

Senior Research Associate

Ronita Bardhan

Matthew Barker

Viviana Bastidas

Research Associate in Urban Systems and Infrastructure

Haydn Belfield

Alan Blackwell

Professor of Interdisciplinary Design

Michael Boemo

Assistant Professor of AI and Disease

Emma Boland

Physical Oceanographer

Nicolas Boullé

Paula Buttery

Professor of Language and Machine Learning

Paul Calleja

Zeyu Cao

Albert Cardona


Vasco Carvalho

Matt Castle

Head of Bioinformatics Training

Colm Caulfield

Professor of Environmental and Industrial Fluid Dynamics

Stephen Cave


Jerry Chen

PhD Candidate

Maurice Chiodo

Research Associate

Alec Christie

Henslow Research Fellow

Alice Cicirello

Assistant Professor in Applied Mechanics

Jennifer Cobbe

Katherine Collins

David Coomes

Conservation Research Institute Director; Head of Forest Ecology and Conservation Group

Ann Copestake

Professor of Computational Linguistics

Giulio Corsi

Research Associate

Diane Coyle

Bennett Professor of Public Policy

Miles Cranmer

Mireia Crispin

Assistant Professor

Gábor Csányi

Professor of Molecular Modelling

Matt Davis

Programme leader

Ramit Debnath

Lynn Dicks

University Lecturer in Animal Ecology

Eleanor Drage

Senior Research Feloow

Richard Durbin

Professor of Genetics

Chris Edsall

Head of Research Software Engineering

Carl Henrik Ek

Senior Lecturer

Guy Emerson

Executive Director, Cambridge Language Sciences

Sebastian Eves-van den Akker

Head of the Plant-Parasite Interactions Group

Amanda Ferguson

Anne Ferguson Smith

Arthur Balfour Professor of Genetics; Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research

Stefan Feuerriegel

Joshua Fitzgerald

Munby Fellow in Bibliography, Cambridge University Library

Marla Fuchs

Executive Director, Institute of Computing for Climate Science

Diana Fusco

University Assistant Professor in Biological Physics

Irene Galandra

Coordinator for Collections, Connections, Communities

Catherine Galloway

Christos Genakos

Professor of Economics

Zoubin Ghahramani

Professor of Information Engineering

Jenny Gibson

Professor of Developmental Psychology

Sam Gilbert

Affiliated Researcher

Mark Girolami

Sir Kirby Laing Professor of Civil Engineering

Ann Kristin Glenster

Senior Policy Adviser

Simon Godsill

Head of Information Engineering

Siavash Golkar

Andrew Grace

Professor Experimental Cardiology

Onkar Gulati

PhD Candidate

Ajay Halai

Senior Research Associate

Diana Halikias

Namshik Han

Group Leader

Verity Harding

Richard Harrison


Miguel Hernández Lobato

Professor of Machine Learning

Manuel Herrera

Senior Research Associate in Distributed Intelligent Systems

Shirley Ho

Tomasz Hollanek

Research Fellow

Scott Hosking

Research leader in AI and Digital Twinning for the environment

Reham Hosny

Julian Huppert


Fumiya Iida

Professor of robotics

Maya Indira Ganesh

Senior researcher at LCFI; assistant teaching professor at ICE

Milena Ivanova

Teaching Associate

Florian Jaeckle

Research Associate

Sadiq Jaffer

Senior Research Associate

Mateja Jamnik


Mark Johnson

Professor of Experimental Psychology

Huw Jones

Head of Digital Library

Henrik Jönsson


Napoleon Katsos

Professor in Experimental Linguistics

Frank Kelly

Emeritus Professor of the Mathematics of Systems

Srinivasan Keshav

Kristina Khutsishvili

Research Associate

Ross King

Automating Science using Robot Scientists

Kate Knill

Principal Research Associate

Anna Korhonen


Zoe Kourtzi

Professor of Cognitive Computational Neuroscience, Royal Society Industry Fellow

Markus Kraft

Professor of Chemical Engineering; CARES Director

Nikhil Krishnan


David Krueger

Virag Lakner

Nic Lane

Professor of Machine Learning Systems

Francois Lanusse

Alexei Lapkin

Professor of Sustainable Reaction Engineering

Neil Lawrence

Chair, ai@cam

Rick Lewis

Katie Light

Emily Lines

University Associate Professor in Physical Geography, UKRI Future Leaders Fellow, Turing Fellow

Pietro Liò

Professor of Computational Biology

Erik Mackie

Research Engagement Manager

Anil Madhavapeddy

Professor of Planetary Computing

Alexandru Marcoci

Research Associate in AI Risk and Foresight

Florian Markowetz

Professor of Computational Oncology

Kerry McInerney

Research Fellow

Richard McMahon

Professor of Astronomy

Vito Mennella

MRC investigator Director of Research

Gos Micklem

Professor in Computation and Molecular Biology

Richard Milne

Tim Minshall

Dr John C Taylor Professor of Innovation, and Head of the Institute for Manufacturing

Jess Montgomery

Director, ai@cam

Anna Moore

Assistant Professor in Child Psychiatry and Medical Informatics

Sarah Morgan

Departmental Early Career Research Fellow

Henry Moss

Early Career Advanced Fellow

Sach Mukherjee

MRC Investigator

Leila Muresan


Andy Neely


Gina Neff

Executive Director

Katarzyna Nowaczyk-Basińska

Research Fellow

Sean O'hEigeartaigh

Director, AI: Futures and Responsibility Programme

Luigi Occhipinti

Amy Orben

Programme leader

Dominic Orchard

Co-director of the Institute of Computing for Climate Science

Kwadwo Oti-Sarpong

Senior Research and Teaching Associate in Urban Systems and Infrastructure Managemen

Harry Owen

Elinor Pegler

Communications Manager

Silviu Petrovan

Senior Research Associate

Mariel Pettee

Pauline Luise Pfuderer

PhD student

Chris Pickard

Sir Alan Cottrell Professor of Materials Science

Brechtje Post

Professor of Phonetics and Phonology

Richard Prager

Head of Cambridge University Engineering Department

Lucia Reisch

Professor for Behavioural Economics and Public Policy

Sam Reynolds

Research Associate

Timothy Rittman

Amelie Roper

Head of Research

Robert Rouse


Henrik Salje


Mihaela van der Schaar

Sjors Scheres

Group Leader

Stefan Scholtes

Jennifer Schooling

Carola Schönlieb

Professor of Applied Mathematics

Annabelle Scott

Programme Manager

Emily Shuckburgh


Jat Singh

Principal Researcher

Gordon Smith

Head of Department

Rebecca Smith

Senior Research Associate

Liz Soilleux

Professor/ Group Leader/ Honorary Consultant

Sushmita Sridhar

Keshav Srinivasan

Robert Sansom Professor of Computer Science

Helen Strudwick

Senior Curator

Maoran Sun

Bill Sutherland

Professor of Conservation Biology

Apolline Taillandier

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Deborah Talmi

Associate Professor

Kenza Tazi

PhD Student

Sarah Teichmann

Senior Research Fellow

Arun Thirunavukarasu

Ulrike Tillmann


Alex Townsend

Tuan-Anh Tran

Richard Turner

Professor of Machine Learning

Ben Underwood

Mo Vali

PhD Candidate

Saaliha Vali

Michele Vendruscolo

Jane Walsh

Manager, Cambridge Language Sciences Interdisciplinary Research Centre

Li Wan

Associate Professor in Urban Planning and Development

Bob Wardrop

CEO, RegGenome

Staci Weiss

Research Associate

Adrian Weller

Director of Research in Machine Learning

Alex Woolgar

Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience

Junwei Yang

PhD Candidate

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