Diana Fusco
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Diana’s interest in biology started as a physics undergrad studying topological properties of the transcriptional network in budding yeast. After that, she was hooked and moved to soft matter and protein self-assembly for her PhD, under the supervision of Dr. Charbonneau at Duke. Unsatisfied with addressing questions exclusively on the computational side, she embarked onto a hybrid postdoc in Dr. Hallatschek lab at UC Berkeley, where she studied the evolutionary consequences of spatial range expansion combining microbiology and mathematical modeling.
CV Positions:
University Lecturer, Dept. of Physics, University of Cambridge
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California-Berkeley (2014-2018)
PhD in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Duke University (2014)
MSc in Theoretical Physics, Universita’ degli Studi di Milano (2008)
BSc in Physics, Universita’ degli Studi di Milano (2006)

Department: Department of Physics
Job Title: University Assistant Professor in Biological Physics