Diana Fusco

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Diana’s interest in biology started as a physics undergrad studying topological properties of the transcriptional network in budding yeast. After that, she was hooked and moved to soft matter and protein self-assembly for her PhD, under the supervision of Dr. Charbonneau at Duke. Unsatisfied with addressing questions exclusively on the computational side, she embarked onto a hybrid postdoc in Dr. Hallatschek lab at UC Berkeley, where she studied the evolutionary consequences of spatial range expansion combining microbiology and mathematical modeling.

CV Positions:

University Lecturer, Dept. of Physics, University of Cambridge

Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California-Berkeley (2014-2018)

PhD in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Duke University (2014)

MSc in Theoretical Physics, Universita’ degli Studi di Milano (2008)

BSc in Physics, Universita’ degli Studi di Milano (2006)

Image of  Diana Fusco

Department: Department of Physics

Job Title: University Assistant Professor in Biological Physics
