Richard Prager
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Richard Prager’s research focuses on the development of better non-invasive diagnostic medical imaging systems based on ultrasound.
He founded the Medical Imaging Group in Cambridge Engineering Department in 1992. Significant projects have included new fast and accurate calibration systems for tracked 3D ultrasound, the development of a high definition tracked 3D ultrasound system, innovative work on image-based freehand 3D ultrasound without an external tracking device, real-time 3D ultrasound deconvolution for image enhancement and three-dimensional elastography. He also led a project to develop a hybrid scanner that combines the benefits of both tracked and mechanically-swept 3D ultrasound.
He is currently working with Dr Nghia Nguyen on novel algorithms for high-resolution ultrasonic beam-forming. This has resulted in “Coherent Pixel-based Beamforming” that produces images that are in-focus at all depths from a single ultrasound transmit-receive sequence. His most recent work has been on adaptive beamforming using minimum-variance algorithms and plane-wave compounding.

Department: Department of Engineering
Job Title: Head of Cambridge University Engineering Department
CRSID: rwp