Pietro Liò
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Pietro Liò is Full Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge, and a member of the Artificial Intelligence Group.
Professor Liò is also a member of the Cambridge Centre for AI in Medicine. His research focuses on developing Artificial Intelligence and Computational Biology models to understand diseases’ complexity and to address personalised and precision medicine.
Pietro currently focuses on cancer, neurodegenerative diseases using multi omic and clinical data, and Graph Neural Network modelling. He has an MA from Cambridge, a PhD in Complex Systems and Non Linear Dynamics (University of Firenze, Italy) and a PhD in Theoretical Genetics (University of Pavia, Italy).
Past jobs have seen Pietro working for institutions such as the European Bioinformatics Institute, Genetic Epidemiology Unit (Southampton, UK), Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (University of Firenze). He is a member of the Integrate Cancer Medicine Institute, the committee of MPhil in Computational Biology (Stakeholder Group for the CCBI) , member of the steering committee of Cambridge BIG Data, VPH-UK (Virtual Physiological Human UK), Ellis, the European Lab for Learning & Intelligent Systems, Italian CNR and the Academia Europaea.

Department: Department of Computer Science and Technology
Job Title: Professor of Computational Biology
CRSID: pl219