Maurice Chiodo
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I am a research associate in the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk at the University of Cambridge. I am the co-founder and principal investigator of the Ethics in Mathematics Project, where my work addresses the ethical challenges and risks posed by mathematics, mathematicians, and mathematically-powered technologies. My research looks at the ethical issues arising in all types of mathematical work, including AI, blockchain, finance, modelling, surveillance, cryptography, and statistics. I have been running a seminar series on ethics in mathematics for the past 7 years as part of the Cambridge University Ethics in Mathematics Society, and sat on the ethics advisory group of Machine Intelligence Garage UK for 3 years, working with over 25 AI startups in that time. I come from a background in research mathematics, holding two PhDs in mathematics from the University of Cambridge and the University of Melbourne on problems in algebra and computability theory. I have over 20 years experience studying, working, and teaching, in mathematics departments around the world.

Department: Centre for the Study of Existential Risk
Job Title: Research Associate
CRSID: mcc56