Emily Shuckburgh
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Prof Emily Shuckburgh is Director of Cambridge Zero, the University of Cambridge’s major climate change initiative. She is also Professor of Environmental Data Science at the Department of Computer Science and Technology.
She is a mathematician and climate scientist and a Fellow of Darwin College, a Fellow of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, an Associate Fellow of the Centre for Science and Policy, a Fellow of the British Antarctic Survey and a Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society.
At the University of Cambridge she is Director of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training on the Application of AI to the study of Environmental Risks (AI4ER), Academic Director of the Institute of Computing for Climate Science, and co-Director of the Centre for Landscape Regeneration. She worked for more than a decade at the British Antarctic Survey where her work included leading a UK national research programme on the Southern Ocean and its role in climate. Prior to that she undertook research at École Normale Supérieure in Paris and at MIT. She has also acted as an advisor on climate to the UK Government in various capacities, including as a Friend of COP26.
In 2016 she was awarded an OBE for services to science and the public communication of science. She is co-author with HM King Charles III and Tony Juniper of the Ladybird Book on Climate Change.
She is Honorary President of the Aldersgate Group.

Department: Cambridge Zero
Job Title: Director
CRSID: efs20