Erik Mackie

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Erik Mackie is a climate scientist by background, with research interests in climate change, physical oceanography, sea-level rise and climate risk. He received his BSc (Hons) in Applied Mathematics from the University of Edinburgh, and completed his PhD joint between the University of Bristol and the British Antarctic Survey, using high-resolution satellite altimetry observations to investigate the circulation of the Southern Ocean and the frontal positions of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Subsequently, he completed a postdoctoral position in the Polar Oceans Team at the British Antarctic Survey.

He is an experienced science communicator, and has worked as a Policy Fellow at the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology in Westminster, where he authored a POSTnote on Rising Sea Levels for the UK Parliament. At Cambridge Zero, he is the Engagement Manager for all research-related activities, working with researchers from across Cambridge and beyond to coordinate and deliver interdisciplinary research activities, events, and funding proposals related to climate change and net-zero. He is also a Climate Risk Fellow for the UK Universities Climate Network.

Image of  Erik Mackie

Department: Cambridge Zero

Job Title: Research Engagement Manager