Gordon Smith
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Current Research Interests
Developing novel methods of screening for placentally-related complications of pregnancy Application of omics methods to biological samples from human pregnancy Prospective studies of unselected nulliparous women Statistical and economic modelling
Brief CV
Graduated DSc Glasgow University (2012) Elected a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Science (2010) Appointed Head of Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (January 2004), University of Cambridge Appointed Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, (September 2001), University of Cambridge Honorary Consultant in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Addenbrooke’s NHS trust, Cambridge (since September 2001) Completed sub-specialist training Maternal-Fetal Medicine (2001), Glasgow Graduated PhD (2001), University of Glasgow Wellcome Advanced Clinical Training Fellowship (3 years, 1996-1999) with Prof Peter Nathanielsz, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA. Molecular Pharmacology of prostanoid receptors and parturition. Graduated MRCOG (1995) Graduated MD (1995), Glasgow Wellcome Clinical Training Fellowship (1992-1993) with Prof Ian McGrath, Glasgow University, Pharmacology of the ductus arteriosus Graduated MB ChB (1990), University of Glasgow Graduated BSc Physiology (intercalated) (1987), first class honours, University of Glasgow

Department: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Job Title: Head of Department