Guy Emerson
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I began my undergraduate studies as a mathematician at Trinity College, Cambridge, before switching to a masters in computer science, focusing on computational linguistics. I then spent one year studying at Saarland University and working at DFKI (the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence), before returning to Cambridge to pursue a PhD under the supervision of Ann Copestake, which I completed in 2018. I am currently an Executive Director of Cambridge Language Sciences, a Departmental Early-Career Academic Fellow at the Department of Computer Science and Technology, and a College Lecturer and Bye-Fellow at Gonville & Caius College.
I was born in Singapore and grew up in London. I speak English (native), German (fluent), French (fluent), Hokkien (intermediate), Mandarin (intermediate), and bits and pieces of others, including Greek, Georgian, Swedish, Dutch, and Rhine-Franconian.

Department: Department of Computer Science and Technology
Job Title: Executive Director, Cambridge Language Sciences