Joshua Fitzgerald
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Josh is a 2024-25 Munby Fellow with the Cambridge University Library (CUL), Visiting Fellow with St John’s College and the VIEWS Project (Classics). He specialises in Colonial Latin American History and Nahuatl Studies, and his forthcoming book, An Unholy Pedagogy: Visions of Learning from Mesoamerica (1300-1650), identifies the importance of place-based pedagogy in Indigenous-Colonial learning environments.
For AI-deas, he is a project contributor for AI Research for Cultural Heritage Hub (ArCH), which will aid his current work in the Bible Society Collections, using computer vision tools and AI to investigate the materiality and visual culture of a sixteenth-century Indigenous-Christian manuscript he recently discovered in the CUL. Josh’s research is based in advancing critical ethnohistorical, art historical and archaeological methods, which he bolts together with Digital Humanities initiatives and museum and collections work. He is an affiliated researcher/lecturer with History, Archaeology, the Centre for Latin American Studies, and McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research and, previously, he held the Rubinoff JRF (Churchill College) in ‘Art as a Source of Knowledge.’ Beyond his research, Josh is the ECR Assembly Representative for the School for the Humanities and Social Sciences, co-developing research culture strategies to empower early-career researchers in AHSS in Cambridge.

Job Title: Munby Fellow in Bibliography, Cambridge University Library