Ross King
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Dr. Ross D. King has joint positions at the University of Cambridge, and Chalmers Institute of Technology, Sweden, and he is a Fellow of the Alan Turing Institute, London. He is one of the most experienced machine learning researchers in Europe. His main research interest is the interface between computer science and science. He originated the idea of a ‘Robot Scientist’: integrating AI and laboratory robotics to physically implement closed-loop scientific discovery. His Robot Scientist ‘Adam’ was the first machine to autonomously discover scientific knowledge. His Robot Scientist ‘Eve’ is currently searching for drugs against neglected tropical diseases, and cancer. This research has been published in top scientific journals, Science, Nature, etc. and has received wide publicity. His other core research interest is DNA computing. He developed the first nondeterministic universal Turing machine, and is now working on ‘DNA supremacy’: a DNA computer that can solve larger NP complete problems that conventional or quantum computers. He is also very interested in applying AI and micro-robotics to double the number of known species.

Department: Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Job Title: Automating Science using Robot Scientists
CRSID: rk663