Tim Minshall
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Tim is the inaugural Dr John C Taylor Professor of Innovation at the University of Cambridge, Head of the Institute for Manufacturing (IfM), Head of the IfM’s Centre for Technology Management (CTM), and a Fellow of Churchill College. His research, teaching and engagement activities are focused on the links between manufacturing, innovation, and skills. Tim is a member of the board of directors for IfM Engage Ltd, St John’s Innovation Centre Ltd, and the Møller Institute Ltd. He is a recipient of a University of Cambridge Pilkington Prize for Teaching Excellence and a Royal Academy of Engineering/ExxonMobil Excellence in Teaching Award. He is Chair of Trustees of the Foundation for Young People’s Mental Health (YPMH) (https://www.ypmh.org/). He has B.Eng. from Aston University and a PhD from Cambridge University Engineering Department.

Department: Department of Engineering
Job Title: Dr John C Taylor Professor of Innovation, and Head of the Institute for Manufacturing
CRSID: thwm100